What is allowed in the Testing Center?
- A silent calculator
- A magnifying glass (for blueprints)
- The following five reference books: NC OSHA Standards for the Construction Industry, Business & Project Management for Contractors, NC State Building Code 2006, NC State Administration Code 2002, NC State Accessibility Code 2002. The books may be tabbed and highlighted.
- Scrap paper and 2 pencils will be provided at the testing center.
Effective 1/1/09 , you can use either the 2006 or 2009 edition Building Code book through 3/31/09. Effective 4/1/09, only the 2009 edition will apply. Also Effective 4/1/09, the following 2 reference books will also be allowed in ACI 530-05 Building Code Requirements for Masonry Structures, 2005 AND ACI 318-05 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete and Commentary, 2005.
Contractor test prep by carolinaseminars.com